Ka'aroan began to get extremely frustrated. The Sith lord in front of
her was trained very well in the dark arts, and Malice knew it. That
was his advantage. Qui-Gon relaxed his feelings, even though he too
could not stand this any longer. He hoped Obi-Wan was doing all right
with the other Sith lord. Darth Malice backflipped behind a large
boulder embedded in the ground. He evily glared down at the two Jedi
before him, lowering and crossing both of his red sabers. Qui-Gon
looked at Ka'aroan, Ka'aroan looked at Qui-Gon. They both nodded at
each other, and Qui-Gon faked an attack on the Sith lord...while
Ka'aroan went in for the kill. Darth Malice was too smart for them to
outwit, and he leaped up again behind them. His lightsabers shut off
and he twirled them in mid-air, taunting and laughing at the Jedi for
being so pathetic.
Obi-Wan was having trouble finding his master and the girl. The
forest was darker and thicker in these parts, he couldn't even see any
glow of a lightsaber anywhere. He closed his eyes, and let the Force
guide him to his destiny. After a moment, he opened them up again and
went straight ahead. He could only hope that the Jedi would survive
until he got there.
Qui-Gon, Ka'aroan, and Darth Malice where engaged in heavy fighting
now. A fight so fierce that everyone was in the gravest danger of
being killed in an instant. Malice was quick with his dual sabers,
faster than the Jedi. He finally kicked both Jedi down to the ground,
their lightsabers switching off and going in opposite directions. He
stood over the two fallen Jedi and held each red blade to their necks.
"I win..." he sneered. Just then......
Obi-Wan glances over at Mace Windu, who's still slicing away at the
thicket of thorns. "Master, will you be all right by yourself
for a moment?" Mace Windu said nothing, only nodding. Obi-Wan
turned and ran into the forest looking for Qui-Gon and Ka'aroan.