The old teacher throws back his head and laughs out loud, making you
feel foolish. Just as quickly as he started laughing, he stops,
glaring at you suspiciously. The suspicion disappears from his face
and a smile appears on his thin lips. "Yes. I will teach
Happily, you jump out of you chair and do a backflip in the middle of
the room, brushing the ceiling. When you land, you see a look of
surprise on Myrllin's face, knowing you have a similar look on your
own face. 'How did i do that?' you ask yourself, sure you'll never
get an answer. You quickly smile, making the old teacher smile as
well. "When do we start?" you ask.
"On the morrow. Since you don't have a place to stay, as far as
we know, you will stay here."
The rest of day is rather uneventful; you spend the day cleaning the
old man's library, rearranging the books in alphabetical and
chronological order. A tedious task to say the least, but you feel
excited that tomorrow, you will be learning the Lost Arts.
At the end of the day, you drag your tired body into your bedroom and
remember Lyandra, still unconscious on your bed. Myrllin gave her
some herbs earlier and said that they should make her feel better in
the morning. Quietly, you sit in the chair next to the bed and watch
Lyandra sleep, hoping that in the morning she will be able to tell you
who you are. You think about who you might be, a knight, maybe, or a
prince, as you feel sleep approaching you, embracing you as the world
around you goes dark...
"I was wondering if you could teach me the Arts," you say.
"That is, until I can regain my memory."