" You are right Obi Wan!!" he exclaimed." But why would
the captain fly away without us?!"
" Who was the captain?" Ka'aroan asks.
" It was a Geerian," Obi Wan replied frantically. " An
extremely rude one too!"
" If it was a Geerian," Owen said," Then you probably
won't see your ship again! They're even worse liars and cowards than
" Let's see if anyone actually saw the ship leave," Qui Gon
decided." That Geerian could have just moved it to another random
" That random location, could be ten thousand parsects into outer
space by now." Obi Wan scanned the skies with little hope.
Qui gon had to agree with the boy. It was ten times more likely for
that gangster to wait until they were gone and race off into
hyperspace with their money, than to patiently get them to Malastaire.
" Where were you headed anyway?" Ka'aroan asked them.
" The fourth quadrant, Malastaire." Qui Gon replied."
What for?"
" Well.." Ka'aroan looked at the empty space where their
ship should be," We've got a pretty fair ship. We were originaly
headed for Alderaan, but Malastaire is on the way. We were shot down
over here."
" If it's not too much trouble we would gladly use your
help." Qui Gon looked over at Ka'aroan and Owen.
" We don't mind!" Owen answered. " In fact, our pilot
would probably be very happy! All the more hands to fix our
" I'll have to admit, the better mechanic of the two of us is Obi
Wan." Qui Gon smiled. " How bad is the damage?"
" It will probably take us one more day to fix." Ka'aroan
said. " Nothing too serious. Our ship is across that
" Lead the way," Qui Gon motioned.
Qui Gon instantly scanned the spaceport.