"I'd like to help," Stanley replies. "but that means
that we'd have to go back through the fractal core again, because
proto-blood can only be found on the cluster." Zev looks at 790
and says, "790, is there a possible way for us to go back through
the fractal core?"
"It's not a course that I would recommend, biomass of
beauty." 790 replies.
"Answer me." Zev demands.
"Yes it is possible," 790 explains. "We'll just have to
reverse our entry trajectory."
"See Stan," Zev inquires. "It is possible for us to go
through the fractal core."
"I know, I know, but that doesn't mean that Kai will live, it
means that we all will die!"
Zev stomps out of the room and heads for the protein banks.
"C'mon Stan, you know how she feels about Kai." you walk off
and head for your room.
Later, you, Zev, and Stanley get something to eat in the dining hall.
Zev is not eating; she is deep in thought. "Stan," she asks.
"Sooner or later, Kai is going to run out of proto-blood. We'll
have to get him more."