"Kai, why are you up from chriostasis?" Zev asks.
"This machine is no longer functional." he says as he
continues to sing. "Yo a-o, yo a-o, a home va ray, yo a-ra farium
"I like it whaen you sing, it makes feel something." Zev
"Do not feel to much, for I will only be singing for a short time
"Your proto-blood?"
"Is almost expired."
"How long?" Zev asks.
"I don't know, days, hours, we will know when I stop
"Well, it's obvious; we'' have to back to the cluster to get you
more proto-blood."
"Zev, I do not wish to endanger you with such a mission."
"What danger? His Shadow is dead."
"His Shadow is alive."
"But, you sliced the top of his head off; we saw him die."
"You saw his body die, but his brain was not inside."
"Well, shouldn't you do something about it? Don't you want to
Zev strokes the glass case where Kai is sleeping. He has to stay in
chriostasis because he is running out of proto-blood. "Kai."
she says. She sighs and starts to walk away. Then the glass case opens
and Kai sits on the ground and starts to sing. "Yo a-o, yo a-o, a
home va ray,"