"Saaaaaaailing! Saaaaaaailing! We're going sailing!" your
annoying brother Sean sings in the most horrible voice you've ever
heard. Your family was getting ready to sail over to Lily Pad Isle for
a picnic. Sean loves the idea, but he gets to drive and luuuuuves
eating. Your little sister can't tell you her response, Teresa isn't
old enough to talk. She's experienced boats and doesn't mind it so you
guess she probably would want to go. You usually love to go, but this
time you sense danger.
"We can't go! You scream as your dad hands Teresa to your mom and
climbs in.
You climb aboard your dad's ship, the old run down gray boat with The
Wanderer painted neatly in red across the side. Your mom steps in
behind you with a picnic basket in hand.