"Relax," she tells you,"They've gone to start building
our new house. They've found the location, and are gathering wood
right now."
"I want to help!" you scream, grabbing a fat piece of wood
and a rock. You carve a sharp edge on one side of the wood and test it
on a small tree. It marks the tree and you wander off to find your
"Come back here!" your mom calls,"I need you to help
watch Teresa! You do such a great job! You saved her when she could
have drowned!"
"What does THAT have to do with it?" you call back, in no
mood to watch a cranky baby today.
"Please, I need you!" your mom begs.
"No! I want to do something besides chores and play with the
baby! I want to help Dad!" you scream. You hear Sean yelling his
warning for no reason in particular as a tree falls to the ground. You
watch dad drag the tree onto his home-made trailer and go to chop
another tree. He has a home-made ax in hand, just like yours.
"Dad! Can I help?" you yell.
"This is pretty hard work, you know," your dad answers.
"Yeah, probably too hard for a baby like you!" Sean
screams,"Oh by the way, Timberrrrr!" You notice the tree had
fallen down a minute ago and scowl at him. You whack your ax against
the tree trunk as if you were hitting a baseball with a bat.
"Watch out!" a sudden voice calls.
"Sean! Dad!" you cry, getting up and walking around. You
turn around. Your mom is sitting there, feeding Teresa some baby food.