Now, you're walking to dinner with Bridget, Larken, and your new
friend Rosa Doyle. On the way, you hear Mr. Villani (the Villain), the
music teacher, say,
"You'll never believe it, but I just found some music sheets
covered in caramel, and some instruments dissassembled and ruined, in
my classroom--with Charlotte Matthews right there! Caned her, I
did...that's why she won't be at dinner."
Rosa and Larken gasp, and so do you. This is getting serious!
In the dining hall, things are no better. Just before the main course
is served, you hear,
"Fire! Fire!" from the kitchen. Instinctively, you race in
to try to help.
Fortunately, the fire is put out quickly. You are just about to exit
the kitchen when you hear,
"Maria McConnell, come with me immediately."
Ms. Fishburn! Now what will you do?
The mysterious happenings continue throughout your first day, each one
worse than the last. In second period Latin, Miss Mursome (the
Murderer) accused Victoria Stuart of cheating on a quiz (and called
her a rebellious Scot descendant.) In history, Miss Boleyn (the
Butcher) accused Holly Norton of writing obscene messages in
textbooks. In science, Catherine Gallagher was accused of making
something explode. Only in English was there relief...Mr. Anderson
said it was probably an accident when he mysteriously lost some papers
he had graded.