"Please, Ms. Fishburn, I did not start that fire--someone else
did. I only wanted to help."
"Help what?" the headmistress cackles sarcastically.
"Help the culprit burn the school down?"
"Madame, with all due respect, that was uncalled for, unkind, and
untrue!" exclaims a Southern-tinged voice. You remember what
Charity said about Mr. Anderson sticking up for the girls.
"Keep out of this, Anderson, or I'll fix you as well!" Ms.
Fishburn snaps. "Now, as to you, Maria..."
"Don't touch her!" It's Larken speaking now. "She
didn't...she wasn't...I saw..."
"Yeah!" chimes in Bridget. Rosa nods in agreement.
"Lies, all of it..." snaps Ms. Fishburn, but before she can
punish you, there is a scream in the hallway. Distracted, the
headmistress rushes off, and so do most of the other girls and
teachers. You, Larken, Rosa, and Bridget are left alone in the dining
hall. Trading looks, you follow at a safe distance, but just as you
are about to rush down the stairs to see who
You know what she must think, so immediately, you say,