"Della Drummond--that girl will be the death of all the staff at
Ellen Brown...in our haste, we forgot to get her out of here...well,
don't just stand there, silly girl! Help me get Della out of
You follow Miss Cannon up to a luxurious private fourth floor room,
where a blonde, blue-eyed girl--presumably Della Drummond--is lying in
bed and whining in a very annoying way. When Miss Cannon urges her to
get up, she refuses. Miss Cannon then orders you to help her, which
you do, but not before you notice what seems to be the lid of a
chocolate box on the floor. You see three letters written on the
inside of it--EDC. EDC? What's that supposed to mean?
"What's wrong, madame?" you say, hoping to divert her
attention from you back to what's bothering her. It works.