You step onto a road, made entirely of yellow brick. It is bordered on
both sides by fences, which wrap around never-ending cornfeilds. You
are still confused about this strange land that you arrived in just
moments ago when your house was lifted by a large twister and dropped
here, in the center of a munchkin city. Seconds after you arrived, you
met Glenda, the good witch of the north, who gave you a pair of ruby
slippers from the feet of the wicked witch of the east, whom was
smashed beneath your house when it landed. You then met millions of
happy little munchkins, who told you to follow this yellow brick road.
By doing so, you would arrive at the emerald city, home of the Wizard
of Oz, who would most likely help you get back to your home in Kansas.
But until then, here you are, skipping along this road, your dog Toto
following behind you, and your ruby slippers clickity-clacking on the
bricks and glittering in the sunlight.