The child looked up frightened. "Nothin' Miz Ruby. I'm just
standin' here."
"Jus' standin' there and frightnin' away my customers! How's a
body to make a livin if you're a standin on their front porch, ehh?
Now skeedadal 'fore I take a belt to your backside! You hear me?
"Yes Miz Ruby," the child said softly right before it
disapeared into the oncoming darkness. Miz Ruby sighed to herself.
"That begger child better be a keepin' away from my shop. Jus'
standin' there with her big eyes a starin' at the wealthy folk. The
Good Lord knows I got enough to do without keepin' ragamuffins off my
doorstep!" So saying, Miz Ruby shook her head and headed back
into her home to finish the days work.
The child walked away from Miz Ruby's domaine. Now where should she
look for food? The baker's garbage or the butcher's? Not that it
matered much anyways though. Bound to be empty of food scraps. But,
one musen't give up hope.
"Just what do you think you're doin'?"