a long time ago before ash got his licence,another legendary pokemon
trainer was being born....................
~tale of zubulu's pokemon quest~
episode 1:zubulu starts out
the big day you are zubulu and you atr deciding on which sting pokemon
to get.3 choices lay about you:bulbasaur,charmander&squirtle after
some hard thinking you pick squirtle but to your dissapointment
squirtle has already been taken thinking about it more you choose
charmander but to your dismay hes been taken too but now you pick the
king of grass bulbasaur!oh no! hes been taken too! will i ever get a
pokemon?yes says oak there happens to be one left but its kindve hard
to raise and................Ill take it you cry! so he hands you
pikachu,pokeballs and a pokedex
you then walk outside on your way to virdian city
you pass route 1 but your pikachu is very tired you carry it on your
way to virdian city although you may not be ash you seem to pick the
same pokemon and have the same destiny.
to be continued..............
next time,zubulu heals his pokemon but is faced by 2 team rocket
members,jessie and james after defeating them he heads out to get to
the gym.