"All right. But my sister--"
"Let's forget her for a while," you say. "I mean, let's
not worry about her for now."
He leans toward you and murmurs,"I agree." You put your
arms around him, and a bolt of electricity leaps between you. Your
lips connect, and you're drowning in a pool of lips, saved by his
"Are you finding that therapeutic?" A voice from the
doorway tells you that the two of you aren't alone anymore. Tarryn
quickly tries to explain.
"We--I--she--um,"he trips over his words.
"If you like each other that much, you might as well go and get
married. But I won't house the new couple until you build a new
house, bigger and sturdier, by yourself. And you have to be
completely better. And the filly has to big enough to carry you both.
So if you're both pleased by the idea, you'll have to wait about six
months." She swept away from the doorway.
"Well--I know this is rather sudden, but--I mean--" His
tongue seems to be tied in a knot today! "If you think so, why
don't we go through it?" He looks in your eyes, and sees the
answer. You look up at him with adoring, trusting
"Please--I'm all right. Don't leave me alone with
myself!" you beg. You realize that he really didn't want to, and
you can sense him weakening. "What should we call the