pikachu was trying to get some apples off a nearby tree when he saw a
huge glimmering object send out a beam at him he tried to run but it
was no use the pokeball had caught him.A while later.....
pikachu!pikachu came out of the pokeball he saw 2
people talking one was prof. oak and the other was ash "he's so
cute this one is the best of all!"pikachu was getting squeezed by
ash hugging him pikachu could hardly breathe!so he realeased a
thundershock piiiikachuuuu!"shocking isnt it"prof. oak said
"here ash take these pokeballs and this
pokedex"bzzzzzzzzzzzt!prof. oak and ash get fried!ash comes out
and sees his mother standing by him she puts a lot of stuff in his
hands and says something really embarrasing!"but arent all
pokemon supposed to stay in their pokeballs?"ash's mom
asks."okay pikachu get in the pokeball"pikachu,just like
mewtwo hates being in a pokeball so he bounces it right back after a
few bounces,his mom says"oh youre playing catch!youre friends
already!"so his mom hugs him and pikachu gets squished again
piiiiiiiikaaaaaaaachu!pikachu realeases a huge thundershock instantly
frying the whole crowd!"and dont forget to change your underware
every single day" his mom says falling on the ground.ash starts
out and pikachu follows but not for long because pikachu hates being
ashes so he climbs up a tree ash sees a rattata he asks his pokedex
what it is"rattata a pokemon that eats nuts fruits and
berries""well I dont have any""rattata also eats
the food of stupid travelers""so I guess that makes me
a...hey!"piika!pikachu is laughing very hard!soon ash sees a
pidgey "Whats that?""pidgey a flying pokemon pidgey is
a good pokemon to catch for beggining trainers.""all
right!pokeball go"the pokemon struggles inside the pokeball and
the pokeball shakes 3 times and then..explodes!"the best way to
catch a pokemon is to weaken it during battle"
"yeah but I have to do every thing myself"ash glances at
pikachu suddenly ash has an idea he grabs a shirt and starts walking
toward pidgey
and throws the shirt over pidgey pidey struggles and soon ash fell
backwards "pidgey has gust a tornado
attack"yahhhhh!pikkkkkkkkka!pikachu laughs so hard he almost fell
off the tree!"pidgey also has a sand attack""so now you
tell meeee!vooosh!suddenly ash sees another pokemon"wow!"he
throws a rock and hits the pokemon in the head and makes a big
lump."spearow a flying type pokemon unlike the pidgey,spearow is
very angry"speearow!spearow flies near pikachu and almost knoks
him off the tree "hey leave pikachu alone he wasnt the one who
threw a rock at you!"spoearowww!"wild pokemon tend to be
jealous of tamed pokemon""but pikachu is not what id call
tamed"pikka!pikachu realeases a thundershock and spearow falls to
the ground but not before saying"speeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrooooowwwwwwww!!!!!!!"this
attracts a large flock of angry spearows pikachu and ash run from
sight with the spearows following closely behind then they start
pecking pikachu pika! "leave pikachu alone!"ash says as he
sees a pileup on pikachu he hunts through the spearows and finds
pikachu now holding him in his arms ash runs from the spearows
pretty soon he gets to a cliff 20 feet above a river with the spearows
close behind ash has no choice....sploosh!the current is pushing ash
through the river he sees a magicarp then a gyradose he swims away
from it and holds on to a hook of a fishing rod suddenly a girl named
misty pulls up on it and says"alright i got a bite!"she
pulls up and to misty's dissapointment its only ash"are you
okay?""yes im fine""not you!the pokemon look what
youve done to it!""is it okay?""well no
not.."well theres a pokemon center in virdian city you better get
it there quick" suddenly the spearows come so ash sits on mistys
bike "hey what do you think youre doing with my
bike?""it will be a good use someday"and ash starts
peddling.the spearows are catching up suddenly it begins to rain and
misty's bike slips in some mud and ash and pikachu fall out with
nothing else he tells pikachu to get inside the pokeball and he
says"cmon spearows give me what youve got!im ash ketchum and I
wont be defeated by the likes of you!pikachu get into the pokeball its
the only way.I will catch everyone of you!"pikachu realizes what
hes doing and climbs onto ashes shoulder and jumps near the
spearows"pikachu!"ash says piikaaachu!!!!!!!!!!!!
pikachu realeases a gigantic and powerful thundershock which fries all
the spearows and unfortunetly,mistys bike they both wake up dazed the
storm cleared and a beautiful rainbow shines overhead suddenly a
goldern bird(houou)flies over it "whats that""there is
no data there are still pokemon yet to be discovered."a feather
drops and ash picks it up and puts it in his backpack they
see virdian city ahead and walk toward it.pikachu finally learns to
trust as and they continue
by:man_of_the_pika tune into part