Scincerly yours
the britans
Twas a dark, cold, December night. A young couple was walking along
the snow covered road. They were trying to bear the bitter cold as it
stung them in the faces. Not only were they trying to keep themselves
warm but also their daughter. they were immagrants from poland and
they did not gave the money and supplies to raise a daughter so they
were looking for a doorstep to leave her on.
finnally just as they were coming to the end of the street they
saw a young couple. they were staring at the angel on the top of the
christmas tree. They looked happy yet in their eyes they could tell
something was wrong.
The immagrant couple looked at each other with despair and then down
at their daughter. They started to feel as if they were abondonig her
yet they new it was the best thing for both of them. they then
walked to the doordtep kised their daughter good bye and set the
basket down. The father then knocked on the door.
The young couple then came to the door and the child started to cry.
The young woman picked up the child and said to her husband with her
eyes glowing, "the lord has answered our prayers." The
husband then picked up the basket and they went inside. the husband
took the note off the childs blanket and read it aloud.
Dear new parents,
This is Tru Tesa-Marie Britan. You may change her name if u wish. we
do not have the ability to suport her npow. although when we have the
money to support her we wil come get her.