Cornelius looks at you strangely. "Who pressed the button?"
Barbara looks at you, knowing that you where the one to press the
button. Dave just stares.
"I pressed the button, thank you very much. I am the Chosen One.
And I want to play baseball!"
All this weirdness is really getting to you. All you want is to
forget this ever happened and to play some baseball with your friends.
But Cornelius has other plans:
"The Chosen One cannot 'play baseball'. The Chosen One must save
the Universe. Do you know any Science?"
You shrug. "I know some biology. And some physics. Why?"
"You do not know Science. Perhaps you know the ancient art of
Magic? It has been lost to my people."
You are wondering how long your sanity will hold up.
"I am NOT a servant!" you shout. "If anything, she
is MY servant!"