The two of you brandish blades and draw out swords for a hand to hand
combat match.
Qui gonn says:' I think you were right after all. Violence may be
needed around here.'
Before he makes his first strike, Rath Sul strikes Qui gon Jinn with a
blade. Luckily for you, he doesn't die and strikes back, knocking Rath
Sul to the ground. Body guards come at you, but you slice them in
half. They die. Obi wan, your master shouts: Run for it! You run,
dragging your master with you. Rath sul runs after you as well. You
hide sin a smallhut, and Rath Sul can't find you. He gives up. You
give off a sigh of relief. Qui Gonn Jin suddenly draws out a blaster
and ashoots at Rath Sul. Oh no! He knows where you guys are and are
pursueing you, but Qui Gonn Jin hits him in the stomach. Rath Sul
decides to retreat.