When you next open your eyes, you hear the cries of celebration:
"The Princess is born! The Princess is born!" You are the
beautiful Princess of Rundra, a wonderful, enchanted kingdom. You are
quite convinced that you made the right choice. How could life
possibly be better?
When you are twelve, Rundra goes to war with nearby Mekryie. Life is
harder, for thousands are dying in battle everyday. Your parents are
depressed and worried, and you decide not to bother them very much
until the war is over.
You have no siblings or royal friends your own age, so your best
friend is Shauna, a servant girl a little older than you. You often
dress up in Shauna's clothes so you won't ruin your pretty royal
One spring day, you are dressed in Shauna's servant garb, reading a
book. The walled garden in which you are seated has grown very quiet.
Nervously, you put your book down, when suddenly, five heavily armed
soldiers in Mekryian uniform are rushing toward you!
You have only a few, very limited options. You could run away from
the guards and climb over the garden wall behind you. You could run
to the left of the guards and through the gate. Or you could
"Taurus," you say. The world blurs around you, and you have
the sense of moving very, very quickly.