Brock: (enters arena as audience applauds) Thank you ladies . . .
and gentlemen, and of course all Pokemon everywhere. I'm Brock, and I
am honored to host the first one hundred percent Pokemon game show.
We've seen how strong and skillful Pokemon are in matches, but now we
can truly see how smart they are. And now, let's meet our
*Author's note: I know it's a dumb name, but I couldn't think of
anything better. If any of you can, I would really appreciate a
change for future "episodes."
Announcer: From Pallet Town, the Pokemon Trainer capital of the
world, it's the only game show one hundred percent Pokemon:
*"Who Wants to be a Pokenaire?"! And now, here is your
host, former gym leader of Pewter City Gym, Brock.