"Turn to the first page," you suggest. He turns to the first
page. There is writing on it. Barbara reads out loud:
"On a dark dark gloomy day, a storm looms over the huge haunted
castle.No one knew of the great adventure that would be on that day,
January 15th...."
January 15th?"Barbara says, "Thats...thats
Dave reads from where Babara left of:
"Three figures enter the castles giant library. A girl and two
boys. There names are Dave, Barbara and..."
You stare at the book. It has YOUR NAME inside it. You look at Dave.
All of a sudden a hideous laugh fills the room.
" Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! He! He! He! He! Haaaaaaaaaaaa! Ha HA!"
You all scream. You Barbara and Dave run wildly out the door, Dave
still clutching the book in his hands. You trip and fall on the ground
in front of the house.
Dave says, "The book is empty." He is right. As he turns the
pages you see they are all completely blank.