Mary Lou had arranged for the party to be a sleepover. At around ten,
people started unraveling sleeping bags and setting them down in Mary
Lou's room. You did the same, and soon everyone had settled around
Mary Lou's bed. Talking died down as people began to get bored with
themselves and go to sleep. And then, someone whispered, "Who
likes scary stories?"
Immediately, you sit up and grin. Whispers travel through the room
like wind, and Mary Lou says, "I know the perfect
The party started out as any normal party. People walked in, looked
around for people they knew, and associated themselves into groups.
After about half an hour, groups consisting of about five to ten
people were scattered around Mary Lou's extremely large house, sodas
and some sort of food held in their hands. As soon as you entered, you
looked around for your friends and immediately plowed through other
people to get them.