when the spell is over you are turned into a big huge cat and you are
stuck in the building so you try another spell and this time you turn
into a kid again and you drop the book and run out into an old man and
the old man has a bag of gold in his hand and he drops it so you pick
it up and hand it to him and he didnt even see you hand it to him he
dropped it again so this time you pick it up and ran with it and when
you stopped there was no one behind you that you could see so you stop
and walk until you find a palor shop you go and ask to get your hair
cut and they said they ant cut your looking like that so they let you
use thier shower to get cleaned up after get out of the shower you pu
your own clothes back on and went to get your hair cut and then you go
to the closest clothes store and you get some new clothes then you run
into the old man you stole the gold from just early do you.....