As Stitch drove, Lilo turned to Pwing. "Hey, Pwing? Earlier, you
said 'No, but we
almost did'. Who were you talking to?"
"Will you chill already?" Pwing hissed. At first, Lilo
thought she was talking to her,
but then, after a two-minute pause, she said, "Oh, you were
talking to me, Lilo?"
Lilo opened her mouth to reply, then quickly shut it. Pwing, although
often deadbeat
serious, would sometimes randomly say random things at random times.
Why? Lilo
didn't know. She decided to avoid the question by saying something
very clever,
something that Pwing would never ever expect in a million billion
trillion years:
"Never mind."
The gang never found Kaian, but they did discover who he had struck:
the plasma-shooting hunter. Splody had been injured (he had been
electrocuted and had been bitten and clawed all over, his worst wound
being the large
gash near the base of his neck on the left side) since 11:45 last
night. He had dressed
his wounds as good as he had been able, but because he was more of a
hunter than a
caretaker, he had still lost a lot of blood. He had been found lying
unconscious in the
middle of the Kayotiyo: the Meeting cave.
After he was rushed back to the house for medical attention, Stich and
returned to the cave to try and track down Kaian. They had ordered
Lilo to stay back
at the house, to which she had replied, "This bites."
Stitch was the first one to catch a scent leading away from the cave.
When he sniffed
it (it smelled like vanilla, chocolate, and mackerel), he could almost
pick up an
emotion...well, if it was an emotion, it was a totally emotionless
Pure hatred.
But forget about what Stitch and Pwing felt when they realized it was
Kaian they
were smelling.
As they followed the scent backwards, Pwing heard something. Voices.
"Hey, Stitch!" she whispered, "Get down into a
crouch!" Stitch glared at her with an
expression that read, 'What the hell you talking about, woman?', but
he did so,
The two aliens crept forward slowly, in the same style a cat uses to
creep up on a
mouse, until they were perfectly hidden under a bush.
Stitch listened carefully. He heard nothing. He looked over at Pwing
and hissed, "I
hear nothing!"
"Listen harder," she replyed simply.
"I did!" he persisted.
"You did in the Experiment style," she said, "Remember,
you have Shigan blood in
you, as well as other types. Hmmm...this will be a good lesson for
There was a pause.
"Huh?" Stitch didn't get it.
Pwing smiled. "Believe it or not, you still haven't learned all
your powers yet, only
ninety-five percent of them. Try using Kri Yon Ti. It's a type of
meditation Shigas
use. All you do is slowly clear your mind of everything
Stitch shrugged. He might as well try, otherwise Pwing could totally
kick his little
furry butt. He closed his eyes and listened, slowly clearing his mind.
The sounds of
the forest drained away...the sounds of Pwing's slow breathing beside
him...he had
never listened this hard before!...the very sound of his own thoughts
and heartbeat...
Then he heard them.
Experiments. Five of them. Richter, Yin (a water Experiment), Yang,
Slushy (a snow
Experiment), and Sparky. Sparky sounded frightened. Richter sounded
furious. The
others were backing up Richter.
"Why are you blaming me?!" Sparky demanded in Ohanan,
"I was in my lighthouse
all night last night!"
"I can't believe the Traitor Shiga," Richter retorted, also
in Ohanan, "I haven't seen,
heard, or scented any electrical Shigas anywhere!"
Stitch stifled a gasp. Richter believed Pwing was lying? He remembered
that it had
been Richter who asked who was the same element as Kaian.
"I went nowhere near Splody's cave!" Sparky protested,
"Heck, I do not even know
WHERE he lives!"
Richter hissed spitefully. "There were signs of electrocution all
over Splodyhead's
body. There is, as D5 admitted, only one of us who is electric!"
Yin, Yang, and Slushy echoed their agreements. From beside him, Stitch
Pwing tense up.
Stitch heard Richter, Yin, Yang, and Slushy close in on Sparky.
"There is no reason
as to why we shoudn't get rid of a killer such as yourself."
"I AM INNOCENT!" shrieked Sparky.
"I doubt that," Richter spat, "Yin, Yang, Slushy! Why
don't we take the traitor for a
No sound of electrocution from Sparky. Strange--why wasn't he fighting
"No!" Sparky pleaded, "I will short-out for a few
minutes if I even touch water! I will
surely die if I am covered in it!"
"Too bad," hissed Richter, "Tell it to the ghost of
Queen Tizrah--as if she would even
take a killer like you."
(Note: 'Tell it to the ghost of Queen Tizrah' is a saying that
actually was started by a
hair-eating Experiment named Clip, who, after giving someone a bad
haircut by
mistake, remembered about the time she had heard Pwing talk about her
mother and said that phrase. The customer didn't understand her,
decked her, and
refused to pay the bill.)
Right after Richter had finished speaking, Pwing lept from her hiding
place so
quickly and snarling so loudly that Stitch's concentration snapped.
Acting totally on
adrenaline, he charged after Pwing through the bushes and onto the
There--taking on Richter, Yin, Yang, and Slushy all by herself and
whupping them
big-time--was Pwing!
Lilo, Stitch, and Pwing had piled into the Experiment Retrieving
Vehicle (or ERV)
and were searching for both Kaian and any wounded Experiments.