1. Hot Marshmallows
Create a fire
Place marshmallow on stick
Hold marshmallow over fire till desired temperature
2.Marshmallow Pure
Eat the Marshmallow, serve cold
Related:Hot Marshmallow, Mexican Marshmellow
3. Marshmellow Mush
Crush marshmellows
Sprinkle with chocolate sauce
Related: Chocolate Marshmellow soup, Rocky Road Ice Cream
you decide you've had enough reading and decide to take a
You wake up back alive. Looking over to the right you see a bookshelf
with one book on it. "4007 recipes with Marshmallows"
intrigued you open the book to the first page. "Marshmallows were
created during the 12th century to keep the barbarians at bay. This
book was created to gather some of the best recipes using
marshmallows". You decide to skip the intro and head onto the