"Ooh? Eeeh Eeeeeh!" You call out, trying to distinguish
where the voice had come from, beginning to panic.
"Urrh...Oooooohhh..." The voice, coming from the direction
you were facing was beginning to fade.
you scream angrily, and dash forward as fast as your little monkey
legs can carry you. By now, the whole forest is awake. Everywhere you
look, There are curious faces of other monkeys peering down at you
from the treetops. On the ground, mother gorillas stare at you
angrily, their babies peeking at you from their nests.
WHAP! Darkness surrounds you, and something soft closes around you
tightly. Madly, you scratch at the thing that has caught you , until
you rip a hole just large enough to see through. Out of breath, you
pant, gazing up at the small, white gorillas that appear to be
carrying you in something. Wait! These aren't gorillas! They're skin
is hairless, and the white that surrounds them doesn't stick up like
"Quick, let's take this one back to the lab and operate on this
guy," says one. "We can't let any gorillas see us, or
there's bound to be trouble."
A short hairier one comes into view. "Should I scare 'em off,
"Yeah, sure, go ahead Gilmy. Anything to keep them away from
us," replies the leader.
The hairy one nods and cups his mouth. "EEEHHHH! OOOOOOH,
AHHHHH-" he is cut short as a huge 400-pound gorilla leaps out of
an overhanging limb and dispatches the hairy one with a growl and a
smack to the head. The hairy man falls to the ground, his neck
snapped! The others howl in surprise and one pulls out a shiny stick.
He points it at the gorrila, who is about to destroy another of the
white animals, and BAM! The gorilla yelps in pain and falls to the
ground. The bag you are in begins to sway, because the hairless
animals are beginning to run.
After some distance, they stop and one of them pulls out a small black
device. He taps a red button on it, and to your amazement, a large
chunk of earth in front of the animals slides away with a gutteral
hum, revealing a ramp leading underground. As soon as everyone is
inside he presses the button again. The ramp closes, leaving you in
total darkness.
Suddenly light floods the area, though not from the sun you are
familiar with. It comes from orbs attached to the walls. You are
carried through endless hallways until you reach a door It is opened,
and you find yourself at last being let out of the bag.
You gasp in horror at what you see. The walls are covered with
lifeless monkeys! Taking a closer look, you notice that they have been
modified. Their heads are coated with intricate wires, and their
lifeless eyes are bigger than normal. instead of arms they have sharp
prongs or metal sticks like the one the gorilla was killed with.
"Well, little fella'. Whadda you think? How would you like to be
one of these?!!" He flips a switch on a device in his hand.
Almost robotically, the monkeys' heads snap up, and their eyes open,
glowing an evil red! They hop off of the wall, where they had
apparently been sticking to, and begin to chatter. One comes up to
you, and says in monkey language, "Greetings, Skorfang. We will
one day be able to take over the world... together!" Looking
closer, you realize it's your childhood friend, Gringo, who had
mysteriously disappeared several years ago. "You too will be
upgraded to look like us."
The white animal who had been watching you said, "Okay, time for
your operation!"
You didn't know what to do. You didn't want to be one of these...
things. You wanted to be back in the jungle. What should you
AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!" Sleepily, you open your eyes.
"AHHHHHH! RRRRRRRH!!!" You sit bolt upright. These are not
the screams of a sane monkey! Something must be wrong! Quickly you
scramble out of your scratchy bed of leaves.