Off to the left of the hallway was a stair case. I slowly started
going up the steps. Creak, creak, creak! The fourth step, I started
to fall through! The step broke. All of a sudden I was sucked into
the hole! Down I fell, when I landed, I was on something soft. What
could it be? I wish I had a flashlight! I felt around on the floor,
as I was crawling around my head hit something. Bing! Must be a
washer or dryer. Then a noise started, like a big motor. All of a
sudden I was being sucked into something! It felt like a huge tube.
I was sliding down, down, down. I thought I was in the basement, but
now I don't know where I am! Could this be a secret tunnel? Where is
Barbra? Will I find her?