1. dirty smelling dogs usually named Bubba, Dog, or Dammit.
2. speeding, rarely washed trucks.
3. major hobby is swinging on a front porch spreading gossip about
4. In a restaurant, you always get grits whether you asked for them or
5. Friendly people.
6. Tobacco spitting people.
7. Teenagers screeching through red lights then speeding down the
Some southern bumper stickers
1. Yankee go home!!!
2. Whoever wants to outlaw guns ought to be shot
3. Driver chews tobacco: Pass at your own risk!
4. You make fun of my dog an' I'll whollop you!!
5. I break for road kill
Southern drivers:
1. will swerve to hit possums armadillos or snakes
2. Will slow down to see the dead possums armadillos or snakes
3. think the yellow light means put the pedal to the metal
4. have a weakness for stupid bumper stickers
5. Love to pass others and watch them get mad.
A southern dog..
1. passes large quantities of gas
2. Is never purebred and is as ugly as a stick.
3. Always barks at anything but the burgulars.
4. the only thing that loves you more than yourself
5. Usually lives to be very old unless run over on purpose by a truck.
More coming soon!!!
Here are some major charactiristics of the South..