The stone building, well-built as it is, looks much more promising than the dilapidated wooden ruin next to it. You slowly stagger to the door. An elaborate silver door-knocker in the shape of some, grotesque, unidentified, snarling creature stares you in the face. You lift the knocker up and let it fall. "BOOM" you jump backwards in surprise at the unexpected loudness of the noise. Something or someone begins to giggle. You whip around. Nobody is behind you. In fact, no-one is in sight. You touch the bump on your head. "Must be hearing things." you mutter, but a strong feeling that you are being watched will not leave. You hesitate, but start to raise the knocker again. Instead, the door to the building swings open. It is so dark inside, you can't see more than a few feet inside. What you can see is not reassuring, being cold-looking bare stone walls and a bare marble floor. You begin to think the whole thing is a mistake, but bravely step inside. You half expect the door to clang shut behind you, but it remains half-open. You let your breath out and relax a little. Cautiously, you begin to walk through what appears to be a large hallway. There are absolutely no furnishings and the place appears deserted. Dimly you can make out two doors, both on opposite sides of the hallway.