awakened from its slumber,the light pokemon knew
that the only way to defeat his enemy wpuld be to
split parts of his energy into matter forms,thus
the creating of all pokemon began.
the first pokemon was a sphere of light enrgy.
it had began morphing into a shape,when a legendary pink lightning
bolt hit it.its features
came into view:a pink cat-like pokemon with
a long twitching tail.the pokemon was named
pinkardonal which means formed from a lightning
bolt that was pink,however for unknown reasons,
the pokemon kept saying mew in its own high-pitched voice.the light
pokemon renamed it mew.
the light pokemon soon discovered that mew could
talk in a telepathy-like voice.though psychic types werent formed
yet,mew was the closest thing to a psychic.
the light pokemon after creating mew had indeed
sent out another 3 energy spheres,but yet again for some unknown
reason,they were hollow.
as soon as they were formed,the joined together
into one crystal with the help of ice,fire and lightning.they then
split apart and formed wings
and form.they were named:
glacion-for being born of ice,
lightnertu-for being born of lightning,
infernwods-for being formed of fire.
(their later names were articuno,zapdos,and moltres)
the dark pokemon had her thoughts about smaller pokemon as well.she
formed an ancient and much more powerful gyrados called sodarage,
an ancient and much more savage aerodactyl called
himilaya and two separate pokemon called triagon and texangle.
over many years,the dimension divider had been broken and the dark
pokemon had made armys of her 4 pokemon.
the light pokemon,on the other hand went for quality,not quanity and
kept his old 4 pokemon.
the two forces one of dark,and one of light met and began their battle
to determine the winner.
To Be Continued.......>>>>>>
before pokemon like charmander existed,there
were two forces,one good,one bad;one light one dark.
the two forces battled each other constantly
sending out energy beams of light and dark.
though they had no form yet,their strength was
getting too intense to be just a force.
slowly and slowly,they took form,not of matter,but
of energy.once,the light pokemon sent such a
lumonous beam towards the dark pokemon that galaxys away could see it.
that particular beam caused the dark pokemon and light to seperate to
different dimensions.