Kathrine B.: What? Oh, pokemon, they're just little creature things.
Well.... some of them aren't so little.
Harry Potter: Is that one?
Kathrine B.: Huh?? Hey, It's a Rapidash!!!!
Harry: Wow!! Is that some kind of a fire spell?
Kathrine B.: Uhhhh, yeah!! Let's go get it! I can catch-
Rapidash: Neeeeeeeeiiiigggggghhhhhh!!!!!
Harry: What the heck!!?? It dissapeared!
Kathrine B.: Quick! Let's check it out!
Back in New York City.....
Computer Man: I am computer man, cyberspace expert, protector of all
computers, virus exterminator!!!
Little Boy: Wow, you're my hero!!!
Computer Man: Not now lad, I have to go and save the cash register in
the donut shop!!
Little girl: But that's not a comuter!!
Computer Man: Oh, Hush up!! Super heroes get hungry!!
Special Microchip in Computer Man's Watch: Beep! Beep! Beep!
Computer Man: Wait!! I am receiving a signal from Kentucky!! Something
is wrong!! It appears to be a magnetic cyber sinkhole!! I must go
there immediatly!
Bum Bum Bummmmm....... Will Rapidash ever be found? Will Kathrine B.
and Harry Potter find anything in the place where it dissapeared? And
will Computer man be able to get to Kentucky on an empty stomach?????
Stay tuned and find out!!
Harry Potter: So what'd they look like??