Lab-top super computer-$1,000
Super computer-$500
Mega bomb gun- 10$(us this to fire far away targets)
Mega Bomb- 500 for $20(Blows up anything a mile away
compact V Mega Bomb- 5000 for S10(Super compact vution of above (No
GUN for this)
Wee Laser-$10 (Small laser fire)
Big laser-$20(Super laser fire)
Bad Cheat controlable missles: $100 (Move the gun for this type of
ammo left and right up and down to control this ammo)
Bad Cheat Gun-$400
(shoots ammo above.)
Master Of Power's Energy Crystal-Free with any purchase above or below
(this enables you to controll energy like the evil MOP)
Blade Shot- 50 for $30 (shoot thease to cut up your enemys also
contrlable like the Cheat Shot)
Blade Gun- $50 (use this to shoot the blade shot)
Teleport Crystal- $10 (the name says it all it teleports you anywhere
you want)(KB you might need this to get out of the Secret Sevices way)
Psy-Magnet Crystal-2 for $50 (This puts a special sheild around you
that absurbs all lasers and gun shots)
Reflect crystle- 2 for $20(This puts a sheild around you that refects
all lasers and gun shots(if gets shot 5 or more times the sheild is
done for for along with the crystle))
Heal Crystals- 5 in a box and 2 boxes for $50
(This heals your wounds(only good once))
Mega Drain crystal-$50 (Drains the energy of yor
The bazair is now re-opened