After that Mewtwo and MOTP had a plan to bring MOTPS to his own
Dimention-The electapsi!
Kathrine B. suggested that her Mew would help. but Kathrine B's Mew
made it worse and sent MOTPS into the future enabling him to make time
repeat itself.
Will everyone save time?
In time lies a portal to different dimetions and within thease
dimentions are evil-stong-ruthles wariors who would stop at nothing to
get though the hole. On one day, the day of the D-hole(this hole never
opened) Man_of_the_pika and Mewtwo got sucked into the D-Hole and when
they got out, they were acompanied by MOTP's evil dimentional twin
brother, Man_of_the_pika_Smasher!(or pika smash)