30 years later in another world
you are walking into a libery suddenly you see an interesting shelf so
you walk over to it suddenly a surten book catches your eye you pull
it out and open it there is only one page so you read it Hufgum
lumberdon mufflewag suddenly the book starts to glow a dark blue and
the last thing you no is that you had droped the
Long loing ago lived a city it had been bilt ontop of a huge montian
but one day a humongus earthquake hit the and then the city realised
to late that it was not a mountian but a volcano booom the city had
been blasted up and up and way past the clouds but when it cold not go
any higher it started to fall it was going to crash back into earth !
but suddenly the citie stoped it was floating but then they saw why
the city had landed on humongus cloud.............