This story starts in 1986, June the 1st.It was midnight, and
everything was covered with the cloak of darkness.A wolf stood on a
cliff and howled then returned to its lair in the forest.Two lone
figures crept through a sleeping village.They stopped beside the river
that ran beside the village, and one of them gently lowered two
baskets in to the river.As the figure watched the baskets float away,
her companion wispered to her."Alice, we have to
go!""But Tom will they be alright?!" she
answered."Yes, but if they find us they won't, now come on!"
he said.Sarah began to cry."What if they're not okay, Tom?I don't
want to leave my babys!""They'll be allright, I promise, now
come on!" said Tom."Just a few more minutes, please Tom, I
may never see them again!"Tom sighed."Allright, but
hurry!" he wispered.They stood for a few minutes, watching the
baskets float away.Then, Sarah wispered, "By life and death,
protect my children, look after them.Teach them their magic untill I
come, incase I do not, teach them everything and help them to
win.", and then, she and Tom turned and disappeared in to the