1. You have been thrown out of tattoo parlors trying to get a
lightning bolt etched on your forehead.
2. You check pipes for an entrance to The Chamber of Secrets
3. When people are rude with you, you yell '10 points from
4. You actually have to decide *which* robe to wear to the HP parties.
5. You vow never to eat suspicious looking jelly beans.
6. You ask the dude at Champion Sports, for a Quaffle, two Bludgers,
and a Snitch.
7. At parties your friends look at you funny because you insist on
raising a toast to ' The Boy Who Lived '
8. You ask the harware store clerk to take the brooms on a test ride.
9. You search the alleys for a tabby cat with brown markings around
her eyes.
10. You call America's Most Wanted and claim that Sirius Black is
11. You mount a broom, and jump off a roof after a little yellow
ball. Your mom's red towel wrapped around you and all...
12. Whn you get in trouble, you say 'It was Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot,
and Prong's fault!!'
Signs of a Harry Potter Fanatic