Act out Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in Waldenbooks. Be VERY
dramatic and stock up on ketchup packets from McDonald's to use as
Build a new house near the tool department of Sears.
In the CD store, claim LOUDLY that the Hanson brothers are a
scientific experiment gone horribly wrong.
Play a full game of soccer, with corner kicks, throw ins, and more, in
the sports store.
Pretend to be poisoned to death in Arby's. Or any other food stand...
In Hollywood Videos, chant in Wiccan near the Blair Witch display
section. Glare evily at inquisitive passerby's.
Start up a conversation in French with the clueless lady at the
perfume counter. Laugh out loud. A lot.
Try to catch 'mall rats' with a toy pokeball that you swiped from
Collector's Heaven.
Get your friend to dress up as Obi Wan Kenobi. You dress up as Darth
Maul. Start up a remake of the Battle of Theed - complete with blood,
screams of anguish, and the 'humming lightsaber sounds', in the Star
Wars store. Have admiring onlookers throw you money.
In the camping supplies store, set up a tent, and camp for two or
three days.