"Houlatioum ertutiom derate. Masterum koolatium nosthate" A
strange green smoke beggines to come from the liquid "Montalkium
hastarthrium houljuk."
As you say the last word, the green smoke turns red and the pool turns
completely into smoke. The room is now filling with smoke and you turn
to run from the door, but it is not there. Everything begins to go
The next thing you know, you are inside a huge stone room lying on the
ground in a very strange position. The srange thing is, that you feel
comfertable that way. You try to push yourself up but as soon as you
are on 2 legs, you fall onto all-fours. Now you know something is
wrong. You also feel so cold! Then, as you try to speak and fire comes
out, you get you're greatest suprise, YOU ARE A
You are a normal 13-year-old kid. You are walking home from school one
day when a man runs up to you asking you how old you are. He is a
quite old man and looks like a tramp. In his hand you can see a very
large key and a scroll. You have always been told not to talk to
strangers but this man has a strange feeling to him and you can't help
yourself. You tell him that you are 13.
"Thank God! I have finaly found him!" the man says, then to
you "Please could you take this scroll and this key to the old
castle. Use the key in the door then read the words from the scroll
into the pool of water."
You think that this is a strange request but the man seems so
desperate and you feel sorry for him so you agree.
Half an hour later, after phoning your Mum and telling her that you
will be a bit late, you are at the castle. You have been here many
times before but you have never actually been inside. You go up to the
large door and put the key into the lock. The door swings open.
In front of you, you see a pool of a mysterious, black, bubbling
liquid. You unroll the scroll and read out