Josh: Yes, may I help you?
Ash: I'm here to compete for a Jade Shell badge in what you all call
the Ultimate Orange League Challenge.
Josh: Oh, this is great! You three will finish that number we were
looking for. You other two are wishing to compete, right?
Misty: Uh, actually, we were hoping just to watch.
Josh: Wonderful, come back with me. Oh, yes, By the way, how did you
all get here?
Ash: On my Lapras, of course.
Josh: I'll tell you what; you can use it to catch pokemon, but never
use it to escape the island.
Ash: How come?
Josh: You'll see. Now, come with me.
(Josh leads them to a big boat, which already has a lot of other
people on it.)
(Ash enters what he thinks is the next Orange League gym and rings the
bell. Gym leader Josh answers)