Ash: GARY!
Gary: Well, well, well, if it isn't Ash.
Ash: I didn't know you were competing for the Orange League.
Gary: I'm not regularly, but when I heard about this, I had to give
it a try. I had to leave my fan club behind, but they'll cheer for me
when it's televised. I guess we're gonna have to put up with each
other for a while.
Ash: What do you mean?
Gary: Well, if you're in luck, we'll be stuck on this island for
nearly 40 days together!
Ash: 40 days with Gary! Aww, I am living my greatest nightmare!
Other castaway: Wait a minute, you're Ash Ketchum, THE Ash Ketchum?
Ash: Yeah.
Other castaway: Whoa! I'm INTJ, a fan fic writer. I write about you
and Pikachu all the time.
Ash: Really? Wow, it's good to be famous.
Another castaway (with a Mew): So you're INTJ? I'm Kathrine B.
INTJ: Cool! I never thought I'd meet you in person. This must be
your Mew. Oh, he's cute!
Kathrine B.: Yeah, we were just talking to man_of_the_pika and Master
of Power.
Pikachu: Pika, pikachu!
Ash: Pikachu likes that name.
Josh: OK, guys, we're at the island. You have two minutes to get
everything you want to take and get off. Then, we'll have our first
tribal meeting. Hustle people!
Tracy: Hey, this is starting to sound like some TV show I've heard
Ash: Yeah, it does.
(Gary nods. Ash and Gary point to each other)
Ash and Gary: I'M VOTING YOU OFF!
(First person Ash sees is . . .)