Its a war game you have to kill people from other colonies on the
planet wile you get more people
lets start by signing up…
There must be at least 2 human players(unlike te original game)
There are 10 epoches 9 of them have 3 islands
there are 4 differant repare items offence items and defence items and
at each empoch they get more advanced items(usualy the first offence
and defence item is gone to make way for a more advanced item)
Have fun even though this is a war game
You start with 100 people and yo have to even them out for the 3
levals in the epoch(The more the better the less the worse) And if you
ask me you should have somewhere around 30 ppl
Becareful from 6-9 epoches there are Nukes(Nuclear Warheads)
If you have lease men then the amount you better be quick on the
Hey lets play a game called Tyrants™