I have 2 bros and a sis, My older bro is David, he is in 12 grade, and
he is 18 years old, my other bro is my twin, he (of course) is 13
years old in the 7th grade, my older sis is Amanda, she is in the 11th
grade, and is 17 years old. I live in Oklahoma, I like to take my
camra to OKC, and take pictures ofthe canal, and stuff!
I'm on webtv, plus. My bro is Adam is a skate boarder, he likes to get
out and skate board with his friends. anyways, more about me... I have
brown hair shoulder lenth, green eyes, and about 5'5. I love to g
online and write, and chat! So far my teachers this year are nice, but
my scienc teacher is kinda boring, but nice!
If ya wanna, you can tell me about you! I really don't care if you are
a boy or girl!!
well.... Talk to ya l8ter!
Hi, my name is Ashley, I'm 13 years old, I'm in the 7th grade, I
should be in the 8th, but had to go to prefirst, but thats ok...
anyways, I have 2 cats, and 2 wolves, one of my cats is white and grey
named Buttercup, Buttercup is a female, and a black and grey cat,
Tiger, Tiger is a male. I found Tiger after a tornada by my house. I
have two Alaska Timber wolves, female Shkon, and male Lobo, they are
grey, and Lobo has white feet.