We did not want to set in chairs or the floor, so we got an old coouch
from the garage, dusted it off, and foulded out the bed to lye on, we
had allready set up the tv, and the vcr. At first we wanted to get a
comdy movie, then a western movie, but ended up with a scary movie to
We ordered some thin peperion pizza, with nice cold fizzy pop, we each
had brought our blanket and pillow. As Rachel was getting ready to lye
down, she was talking to Alisha about school, and I was etting the
tape ready with Lisa, then I said, "The movie is about to start,
make room for us..."
So about 5 minutes later we were watching the movie, We heard the tv
set perfectly, the name of the movie showed up on the screen, Haunted
Hill, and the letters were dark black, just then an ax swong by the
letters, and it started to bleed. and the movie was starting! The
movie started out with a couple of boys daring each other to go inside
this house they belived was haunted, just then we heard somthing
clicking on our window,
"Ohh, Am scared Alisha, did you hear that?" Lisa said,
"hear what? Alisha replyed, "Hey ya, we are trying to watch
something" iterupted Lisa, so we started to watch the movie, when
we heard the noise louder, "Eeek, what was that?" Alisha
asked as she pulled the covers over her, "I dunno, but Am
scared," BOOM! everyone screamed "AHHHH", "whoo,
its only a thunder storm" said Alisha,
Just then the power went out, the windows busted, the only thing we
could hear was wind, every ones hair was blowing back and fourth, we
started to scream, Rachels glasses were knocked of her face, we
started to cry, and yel for help,... when all a suddently my sister
was waking me up in my nie warm bed to get ready fo school, she walked
out of the room, I was confused...
I rushed down to the basment, everthing was fine, no broken window, no
windy sounds, no tv, no vcr, no movie, no couch, nothing... I was
really confused, so I took my shower, got dressed, thanked the lord it
was olny a dream, and hoped on my school bus, Rachel,Lisa and Alisha
were in the back, so I went to set with them... just as everythingwas
going fine, Alisha said, Haunted Hill was so scary, I gasped and
jumped up, and yelled WHAT?
They looked at me and said "what?" "Rachels mom took us
to see it, but you did noy come because you were ill, remember?
"uhh, yeah of course.. I guess"
One Sunny Day, I decided o have a few friends over for a pizza party,
so I called Rachel, Lisa, and Alisha, we were so excited about having
a pizza party, so we decided to have it in the basment, we cleaned
everything up, and decoraded it all up.