You run away from the building, without looking back, not looking
where you’re going, not minding the pouring rain beating hard at your
back, stinging the back of your head and you hands as you struggle to
shield your face.
As you run for cover, away from all those people, a thought suddenly
enters your mind – you don’t know who you are, or where, or anything
else for that matter, and the only people who you can speak to want
you to fight some ‘creatures’ – whatever they are, with a large
bejeweled sword that you don’t even know if you can lift, let alone
fight with! But still…. Maybe they know something about who you are,
even if you can’t remember. You decide to go back and find out what
you can without anyone knowing. You stop and look around you. It seems
miles away… but you know you couldn’t have been running more than a
few minutes…..