They walked in, and Jamie tossed hisbag down in the corner, "Mom,
Am home, am going to stay at Adams house today!" he yelled,
"what? My house?" "Just relax dude" "ok, but
Am thirsty" so the two got a coue of cokes, and while they were
wlking to Adams, they decided to go by the school, just to see what
was going on, they peeked in to the gym, where everyone was slow
dancing. "Lets get out of here, Iwill look stuiped with no
date" "ok, whatever, but lets go by my locker and to the
restroom." Adam said in a low voice while Jamie *sighed* They
tried and tried to open Adams locker to put his books up for tomorrow,
"Here, keep tring toopen it, I gotta go to the restroom" So
Adam walked to the restroom, and he saw a bunch of guys and a few
girls, and one he happened to have a crush on.
"Yo, Adam, over here!" yelled someone, he went ahead, and
maybe he would impress Julie, the girl he had a crush on!"
"Hey, w'sup!" Adam said as they hit hands, a guy from
behind, came up and let some dope in his hands, and took a drag, Adam
was so scared, what should he do? Leave and walk home with Jamie, or
stay, and impress the girl?? He is so confused..
"Clump clump" went the nike shoes of Jamie, he was walking
home from a boring day at school, he saw his friend Adam by the road,
"W'sup Adam?!" he yelled, as he turned he hat backward, and
got his skateboard brom his bag. "Hey, whacha going to do
today?" Adam said while walking skating toward him on his
skateboard, "Dunno, I gotta find a date for the school
dance" he said, "hey how about we skip the stuiped dance,
and hang out at my here?" He said in a deep breathe,
"cool" Jamie said, so they started to skate until they came
to Jamies house, which was a regular brick house, and a green yard
with yellow spots in it.