The girl reached up and felt the top of the rock. With a noisy
grinding sound the rock opened up, its door like a second skin to the
boulder. Kell and the Stranger got into the house from the dark
doorway in the rock wall and emerged into a small underground room
which was dimly lit by a slow burning torch which emptied out of a
hole in the ceiling above. The man set the boy on the make shift bed
of palm leaves and turned around to look at Kell. "Do you have a
bowl of some sort?" She nodded and he said, "Good, get it
and fill it with water then use a rag to clean him up some, it seems
he tried to do it himself, but, he didn't do a very good job."
Kell got the wooden bowl commonly use for food and ran outside. The
girl thrust her hands into the cold water and filled the bowl. Then
she ran back inside and grabbed a rag that was on a dug in shelf on
the wall. The man watched as she began to pat the boy's face and clean
off the sand on his cuts. "Good, I need to get somthing from my
horse, I'll be back so continue with that." He went to leave,
then stopped and said over his shoulder, "If he wakes up try to
learn somthing about him but don't press to hard, he still is
weak." The man left the cramped room and Kell turned back to the
boy. He was looking a little bit better as she wiped the mud and the
blood stains from his face in the dark. Moonlight shown from a tiny
gash in the ground. No one else knew about this place except she, and
now she was sharing it with a stranger who she didn't know, and also a
boy about her age who she didn't know. Why am I doing this? Kell
wondered as she finished cleaning the kid and began to inspect the
bump on his head. It looked like he had gotten into a fight with
someone bigger and much stronger than him. Though, judging from the
cuts and bruises in his knuckles, he got a few punches in too. Just
then the boy's eyes opened once again, and he glanced at the girl with
those peircing, golden black eyes. She shivered some what and asked,
"Who are you?" He answered in a low quiet voice, "I
don't know, all I can remember is the words, Tyle Sands."
Two small dots moved at a fast pace across the rough terrain of the
hills of Olp. They soon arrived at a large boulder with the only river
in Olp flowing beside it. The river Long.