To answer you question Mike:
Yes I got there by myself, my brother is not that far tho. In the
water Temple when I first intered I found... umm... whats her name?
She says she is going to marry me (Link) she is the one I had to carry
in Lord Jaba, well.. I followed her, and then I found
A key
By Beating the Clam Fish, I used it to go threw a door on the very
bottom that leads me to the top. Next I found another key by blowing
up a crack in the whole.
I used it to go threw a door, and he water shoots me up, and I can
refill the water all the way up.
But now I hafta get my other key. (confusing)
Hey, Do any one of ya know how to get across the broken bridge in
Gerudo Vally? I remember I read somewhere that my horse will jump
acroos, I tried but My horse backs up. well Thanks!!!!
Thanx Kath and Mike!