The basketball game started in 5 minutes. You were a great
basketballer and your team always won because of you. "Hey,
Tony," you best friend calls to you. You and him are on the same
team. He can't play very well but his dad is the coach so he has to be
on the team. "Yeah," you answer. "Nickoalas is
here," he tells you. You groan. You didn't need him at the
moment. Nichoalas starting talking about school. Did I need to hear
this??? Noway. "See ya Nick," you say. He ingores you and
you start talking. "Shutup," you say and run to the
bathroom. When he talks he makes this noise that ingores you so much.
The basketball game is starting. "Okay guys were going win aren't
we," your coach says. You seem a little discouraged tonight. You
have this weird thing on your mind. Before you start playing you
quickly fill up your water bottle and I bumped into this creepy old
lady. "Ohhh Helloooo," she said. "See ya," you
say. "Noooo don't gooo III get sooooo lonellyy. Please
listttennnn to mmmee,". She sounded weird you thought. "I'll
give you 3 wishhes," she said and disappeared. You look around
and she is no where in sight.
The game is over. You got beaten. Score was- 14-23. Yuck. Nichoalas is
waiting outside for you. "You won. You won," he sang.
"We didn't win. We lost," you growled. "Ha. Ha,"
Nichoalas sang. You roll you eyes. "Tony's a big loser,". He
used his hand to make a loser sign. "I wish you would
disappear," you say, very angrly. Suddenly he disappears. Opps
now what have you done.
Your brother, Nichoalas is an annoying little brat you think. We all
your might you wish he could disappear......