Honey, I had work early, sorry.I left your lunch money in your top
drawer, and you can heat up your eggs in the fridge, love ya bunches.
*Sigh* He walked to the kitchen and found his cold eggs, he tasted a
little bit, and groaned. He walked over to the cabinet and grabed a
bowl and some Frosted Flakes. Ohh how he loved his Froasted Flakes,
altho he could have eaten Kix, Cookie Crisp, Cocoa Puffs, he decided
Froasted Flakes. He loved how the suger fell off the flakes and made
the milk taste so sweet. After he ate the bowl of cereal, he grab his
money and his school bag. "mmm mm mmm mmm" He was just
humming, nothing to a particular song, just humming.
"He glanced at his watch with a gasp, his clock read: 7:35, how
could time go by so fast, when he wakes up and eats breakfast on a
school day, time seems to go so fast but when you are waiting for
someone to call, or for your favorite tv show to come on it seems like
forever! He started to jog to schol, and then he started to sweat, so
he slowed down, because he did not wanna smell like something gross.
Just then Mikey, afriend of his slowed down and asked him if he wated
a ride, "Sure!" He said in such a delight. He got in the
back seat of the blue mini van, as they drove to school,as soon as
they arrived, they jumped out of school, just as the ball rang, Thank
God Mickey Came By, you think. You start to walk in school, when you
are concentrating on a pop machine, when you friend Mickey pulls on
your shirt for you attention as you walk to your locker...
*Ring* went the alarm clock of a 14 year old boy waking up for school,
he glanced at the time, it was 6:15 am, he yawned and headed for the
bathroom, he took a nice warm shower, when he came out he had to
decided what to wear? Overalls... naa, how about.. His Jersey, yeah,
and his favorite Jinkos, he wore some black shoes. He sat down on his
bed combing his hair, his hair was brown with blond tips. He then
again glanced at the time, it was 6:27am, he ran downstairs expecting
to find some sunnyside up egges, bacon, and a nice cool drink of
juice, but he foun a note on the cabinet which read: