1.spwew'e,mon Involves:thumb'e,mon
2.fart'emon involves: puppet'e,mon
3.zig-zag'e,mon involves:wood'e'mon
4.dumb'emon involves:smart'emon
5.danger'emon involves:warning'emon
6.poo'e'mon involves: poop'e,mon
7.bean'e,mon involves:giantbean'e,mon
8.dav'e,mon involves:pilkey'e,mon
9.gut'emon involves: nothing
10.nah'e,mon involves: belost'e,mon
11.buzz'e,mon involves:ouch'e,mon
12.jazz'e,mon involves:classic'e,mon
13.toy'e,mon involves:model'e,mon
14.fly'e,mon involves: crash'e,mon
most powerful:verybig'e,mon involves:huge'e,mon
now to start a battle add a path wait till someone wants to and i will
choose who win ('cos i know which is more powerful........
you have heard of pok'emon you have heard of digimon and have you
heard of neopets? well this you can battle other poo'emon collectors
if you have any, there are 15 to catch